From Space Shuttle Engineer to God’s Servant
with Sally Burke, President of Moms in Prayer International
Surrendering to God
Society focuses on worldly success, which leads us to believe we control our destinies. But this is a false sense of control. However, when we surrender our hearts to God, we experience freedom. We must trust in Him and rely on prayer and His Word to help us continually submit our lives to Him.
On this episode of Relentless Hope, Sally Burke shares her transformation journey from a successful space shuttle engineer to a devoted servant of God. Let’s discover how Sally relinquished control and allowed God to guide her to her purpose.
Words of Hope:
“Let go and let God. Let Him take over your life and run it. He knows how.”
– Norman Vincent Peale
In part 1 of Relentless Hope, Sally reminds us that our lives are about living for God. She shares the heart-wrenching experiences of almost losing her two sons and how she relied on prayer to trust God would take care of them. Despite uncertainty, Sally clung to her faith as one son endured a year-long hospital stay, while the other was on the brink of death. Through this, Sally recognized the omnipresence of God’s work in her life, even during dark times. Living for God does not mean an end to pain, but we can find gratitude in hardship because God will use it for good. He is always present and gives us the strength to keep going.
In part 2 of the 3-part series, Sally teaches us that great leaders focus on pleasing God, not people. God has chosen us to be leaders, and He will equip us with everything we need while empowering us to be a godly example to those we serve.
She advocates two powerful practices: unceasing prayer that strengthens our bond with God; and studying the Bible, the ultimate guide to leadership. We can learn from flawed and virtuous leaders like Daniel, David, Joshua, Esther, and Deborah by reading.
In part 3, Sally shares her desire to leave a legacy of prayer. One way she lives out this passion is her role as the President of Moms in Prayer International, which impacts children and schools worldwide for Christ by gathering mothers to pray.
We’ll never be perfect and will make mistakes. However, God is perfect and wants us to trust He’ll turn our failures into successes. We leave powerful legacies when we show others we can get up after stumbling, love unconditionally, pray for everyone, and surrender to God.
Scripture to reflect on:
“For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.”
- Matthew 7:8
Closing prayer for Sally’s story:
Dear Lord, although I know I don’t need to worry, I still struggle sometimes. And I still desire to control the outcome or know how it will turn out. But then I’m reminded that you control everything and have a glorious plan for me. Please help me to lay my concerns at your feet and exchange them for total trust in you. Thank You, Lord, in Jesus’ Name, amen.
Life is a precious gift, and God chose you to fulfill an extraordinary purpose. He created you with your strengths and weaknesses in mind, knowing your past and forgiving you while understanding your future and what He can achieve through you.
We’d love to hear your testimony or how this story impacted you in the comments below.